Quick reference guide to the English translations of Heidegger

HyperJeff Network See also: Ereignis
Original Date GA Title / Course English Book Translator(s)
Jul 24, 1929 9 "What is Metaphysics?" Existence and Being Alan Crick
Pathmarks David Ferrell Krell
Basic Writings David Ferrell Krell
1969 "Letter from Martin Heidegger" Philosophy East and West 20, 1970, p 221 Albert Borgmann
Summer, 1927 24 The Basic Problems of Phenomenology (Lecture Course) Albert Hofstadter
Nov 17-Dec 4, 1936 ('35,'36; '56) 5 "The Origin of the Work of Art" (abridged) Basic Writings Albert Hofstadter
Off the Beaten Track Julian Young
Dec 29, 1946 5 "What Are Poets For?" Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
1947 13 "The Thinker as Poet" Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
Philosophical and Political Writings Albert Hofstadter
Jun 6, 1950 79 "The Thing" Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
Oct 7, 1950 12 "Language" Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
Aug 5, 1951 7 "Building, Dwelling, Thinking" Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
Basic Writings Albert Hofstadter
Oct 6, 1951 7 "...Poetically Man Dwells..." Poetry, Language, Thought Albert Hofstadter
Philosophical and Political Writings Albert Hofstadter
Winter, 1942-3 54 Parmenides (Lecture Course) Andre Schuwer,
Richard Rojcewicz
1949 79 Insight Into That Which Is: Bremen Lectures Bremen and Freiburg Lectures Andrew J. Mitchell
1957 79 Basic Principles of Thinking: Freiburg Lectures Bremen and Freiburg Lectures Andrew J. Mitchell
1966 15 Seminar in Le Thor Four Seminars Andrew Mitchell,
François Raffoul
1968 15 Seminar in Le Thor Four Seminars Andrew Mitchell,
François Raffoul
1969 15 Seminar in Le Thor Four Seminars Andrew Mitchell,
François Raffoul
1973 15 Seminar in Zähringen Four Seminars Andrew Mitchell,
François Raffoul
Four Seminars Andrew Mitchell,
François Raffoul
Sep 20, 1966 "A Letter from Martin Heidegger" Heidegger and the Path of Thinking Arthur H Schrynemakers
1944-45 77 Country Path Conversations Bret W Davis
Mar-Apr 1929 "A Cassirer-Heidegger Seminar" Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol 25, No 2, pp 208-222 Carl H Hamburg
1925 "Wilhelm Dilthey's Research and the Struggle for a Historical Worldview" Supplements Charles Bambach
Winter, 1966-7 15 Heraclitus Seminar (with Eugen Fink) Charles H Seibert
1969 "Art and Space" Man and World: An International Philosophical Review, Vol 6, No 1, Feb '73, pp 3-8. Charles H Seibert
Winter 1923-4 17 Introduction To Phenomenological Research (Lecture Course) Daniel O Dahlstrom
Winter, 1936-37 43 "The Will to Power as Art" (Lecture Course) Nietzsche: Volumes I and II David Ferrell Krell
Summer, 1937 44 "The Eternal Recurrence of the Same" (Lecture Course) Nietzsche: Volumes I and II David Ferrell Krell
Summer, 1939 6 "The Eternal Recurrence of the Same and the Will to Power" Nietzsche: Volumes III and IV David Ferrell Krell
Summer, 1939 47 "The Will to Power as Knowledge" (Lecture Course) Nietzsche: Volumes III and IV David Ferrell Krell
Aug-Dec, 1940 "Nietzsche's Metaphysics" Nietzsche: Volumes III and IV David Ferrell Krell
Early, 1940 6 "European Nihilism" (Lecture Course) Nietzsche: Volumes III and IV David Ferrell Krell
1944-46 6 "Nihilism as Determined by the History of Being" Nietzsche: Volumes III and IV David Ferrell Krell
May 8, 1953 7 "Who Is Nietzsche's Zarathustra?" Nietzsche: Volumes I and II David Ferrell Krell
Summer, 1943 7 "Aletheia (Heraclitus, Fragment B 16)" Early Greek Thinking David Ferrell Krell,
Frank A Capuzzi
1946 5 "The Anaximander Fragment" Early Greek Thinking David Ferrell Krell,
Frank A Capuzzi
1951 (1944) 7 "Logos (Heraclitus, Fragment B 50)" Early Greek Thinking David Ferrell Krell,
Frank A Capuzzi
1954 7 "Moira (Parmenides VIII, 34-41)" Early Greek Thinking David Ferrell Krell,
Frank A Capuzzi
April 2, 1936 4 "Hölderlin and the Essence of Poetry" Existence and Being Douglas Scott
Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
1946 9 "Letter on 'Humanism'" Pathmarks Frank A Capuzzi,
J Glenn Gray
Basic Writings Frank A Capuzzi
J Glenn Gray
1947-1971 From the Letters to Medard Boss, 1947-1971 Zollikon Seminars Franz Mayr,
Richard Askay
1959-1969 89 Zollikon Seminars: 1959-1969 Zollikon Seminars Franz Mayr,
Richard Askay
1961-1972 Conversations with Medard Boss, 1961-1972 Zollikon Seminars Franz Mayr,
Richard Askay
1951-2 8 What is Called Thinking? Fred D Weick,
John Glenn Gray
1951-2 8 "What Calls for Thinking?" (excerpt) Basic Writings Fred D. Wieck,
John Glenn Gray
Philosophical and Political Writings Fred D. Wieck
John Glenn Gray
Winter, 1941 51 Basic Concepts Gary Aylesworth
1933-34 Being and Truth (Lecture Course) Gregory Fried,
Richard Polt
Summer, 1935 40 An Introduction to Metaphysics (Lecture Course) An Introduction to Metaphysics Gregory Fried,
Richard Polt
An Introduction to Metaphysics Ralph Manheim
1957 "A Recollection" Man and World 3, 1970, pp 3-4 Hans Seigfried
1915 "Duns Scotus' Theory of the Categories and of Meaning" PhD Thesis, DePaul Univ., 1978 Harold Robbins
1915 "The Concept of Time in the Science of History" Supplements Harry S Taylor,
Hans W Uffelmann,
John van Buren
J Brit Soc Phen, Vol 9, No 1, Jan 1978 Harry S Taylor
Hans W Uffelmann
Mar 9, 1927 9 "Phenomenology and Theology" Pathmarks James G Hart,
John C Maraldo
The Piety of Thinking James G Hart
John C Maraldo
1928 "Review of Ernst Cassirer's Mythical Thought" The Piety of Thinking James G Hart,
John C Maraldo
1958 "Principles of Thinking" The Piety of Thinking James G Hart,
John C Maraldo
Apr 9-11, 1964 "The Theological Discussion of 'The Problem of a Non-Objectifying Thinking and Speaking in Today's Theology' - Some Pointers to It's Major Aspects" The Piety of Thinking James G Hart,
John C Maraldo
1956 What is Philosophy? Jean T Wilde,
William Kluback
Apr, 1926 2 (Several excerpts from Being and Time) Philosophical and Political Writings Joan Stambaugh
1936 42 Schelling's Treatise on the Essence of Human Freedom (Lecture Course) Joan Stambaugh
1941 6 "Metaphysics as History of Being" The End of Philosophy Joan Stambaugh
1941 6 "Recollections of Metaphysics" The End of Philosophy Joan Stambaugh
1941 6 "Sketches for a History of Being as Metaphysics" The End of Philosophy Joan Stambaugh
Feb 24, 1957 11 "The Onto-theo-logical Constitution of Metaphysics" Identity and Difference Joan Stambaugh
Jun 27, 1957 11 "The Principle of Identity" Identity and Difference Joan Stambaugh
Jan 31, 1962 14 "Time and Being" On Time and Being Joan Stambaugh
1963? 14 "My Way to Phenomenology" On Time and Being Joan Stambaugh
Philosophical and Political Writings Joan Stambaugh
1964? 14 "The End of Philosophy and the Task of Thinking" On Time and Being Joan Stambaugh
Basic Writings Joan Stambaugh
Apr, 1926 2 Being and Time: Introduction (excerpt) Basic Writings Joan Stambaugh,
John Glenn Gray
May 11, 1958 12 "Words" On the Way to Language Joan Staumbaugh
1942-43 5 Hegel's Concept of Experience (Lecture Course) John Glenn Gray
1955 "Discourse on Thinking" Philosophical and Political Writings John M Anderson,
E Hans Freund
Apr, 1926 2 Being and Time Being and Time John Macquarrie,
Edward Robinson
Being and Time Joan Stambaugh
Spring, 1962 Sojourns: The Journey to Greece John Panteleimon Manoussakis
1910 "Per Mortem Ad Vitam: Thoughts on Johannes Jörgensen's Lies of Life and Truth of Life" Supplements John Protevi,
John van Buren
1930 9 "On the Essence of Truth" Pathmarks John Sallis
1919/21 9 "Comments on Karl Jasper's Psychology of Worldviews" Pathmarks John van Buren
Supplements John van Buren
1922 62 "Phenomenological Interpretations in Connection with Aristotle" Supplements John van Buren
Man and World 25 (1992), pp 355-393 Michael Baur
Summer, 1923 63 Ontology: The Hermeneutics of Facticity (Lecture Course) John van Buren
1924 "The Problem of Sin in Luther" Supplements John van Buren
1938/39/41 68 Negativity: A Confrontation with Hegel Approached from Negativity Hegel Joseph Arel,
Niels Feuerhahn
1942 68 Elucidation of the "Introduction" to Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit" Hegel Joseph Arel,
Niels Feuerhahn
1946 "Anaximander's Saying" Off the Beaten Track Julian Young
1939 4 "As When on a Holiday..." Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
1943 4 "Homecoming / To Kindred Ones" Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
1943 4 "Remembrance" Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
June 6, 1959 4 "Hölderlin's Earth and Heaven" Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
1968 4 "The Poem" Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry Keith Hoeller
1942-43 5 "Hegel's Concept of Experience" Off the Beaten Track Kenneth Haynes
Dec 29, 1946 "Why Poets?" Off the Beaten Track Kenneth Haynes
1933 16 "The Self-Assertion of the German University" The Heidegger Controversy Maria P Alter,
John D Caputo
Philosophical and Political Writings Karsten Harries
1933-34 16 Policital Texts, 1933-1934 The Heidegger Controversy Maria P Alter,
John D Caputo
1936/46 16 Overcoming Metaphysics, 1936-1946 The Heidegger Controversy Maria P Alter,
John D Caputo
The End of Philosophy Joan Staumbaugh
Nov 4, 1945 16 Letter to the Rector of Freiburg University, November 4, 1945 The Heidegger Controversy Maria P Alter,
John D Caputo
Sep 23, 1966 16 "Only a God can Save Us": The Spiegel Interview Philosophy Today XX (4/4), 1976, pp 267-285 Maria P Alter,
John D Caputo
The Heidegger Controversy Maria P Alter
John D Caputo
Philosophical and Political Writings Maria P Alter
John D Caputo
? William J Richardson
Winter, 1920-21 60 The Phenomenology of Religious Life (Lecture Course) Matthias Fritsch,
Jennifer Anna Gosetti
Summer, 1928 26 The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (Lecture Course) Michael Heim
1928 9 (From the Last Marburg Lecture Course: The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic) Pathmarks Michael Heim,
William McNeill
The Future of Our Religious Past John Macquarrie
Winter, 1927-28 25 Phenomenological Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Lecture Course) Parvis Emad,
Kenneth Maly
1930/31 32 Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (Lecture Course) Parvis Emad,
Kenneth Maly
1936-38 65 Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning) Parvis Emad,
Kenneth Maly
1937-8 66 "A Retrospective Look at the Pathway" Mindfulness Parvis Emad,
Thomas Kalary
1937-8 66 "The Wish and the Will (On Preserving What is Attempted)" Mindfulness Parvis Emad,
Thomas Kalary
1938-9 66 Mindfulness Mindfulness Parvis Emad,
Thomas Kalary
1953 12 "Language in the Poem" On the Way to Language Peter D Hertz
1953-4 12 "Dialog on Language" On the Way to Language Peter D Hertz
Dec 4-Feb 7, 1957 12 "The Nature of Language" On the Way to Language Peter D Hertz
Jan 1959 12 "The Way to Language" On the Way to Language Peter D Hertz
1912 "The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy" Supplements Philip J Bossert,
John van Buren
1944 50 Introduction to Philosophy - Thinking and Poetizing (Lecture Course) Phillip Jacques Braunstein
1943 "On the Essence of Truth" Existence and Being RFC Hull,
Alan Crick
Basic Writings John Sallis
1955-6 10 The Principle of Reason (Lecture Course) Reginald Lilly
Winter, 1921-22 61 Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle (Lecture Course) Richard Rojcewicz
1926 22 Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy (Lecture Course) Richard Rojcewicz
1932 35 The Beginning of Western Philosophy: Interpretation of Anaximander and Parmenides (Lecture Course) Richard Rojcewicz
Winter 1924-5 19 Plato's Sophist (Lecture Course) Richard Rojcewicz,
Andre Schuwer
1937-8 45 Basic Questions of Philosophy: Selected 'Problems' of 'Logic' (Lecture Course) Richard Rojcewicz,
Andre Schuwer
1936-38 65 Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event) Richard Rojcewicz,
Daniela Vallega-Neu
1929 3 Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics (Lecture Course) Richard Taft
1924 18 Basic Concepts of Aristotelian Philosophy (Lecture Course) Robert D Metcalf,
Mark B Tanzer
1958 9 "Hegel and the Greeks" Pathmarks Robert Metcalf
1916 "Conclusion: The Problem of Categories" Supplements Roderick M Stewart,
John van Buren
1949 The Pathway Philosophical and Political Writings T F O'Meara
1961 9 "Kant's Thesis about Being" Pathmarks Ted E Klein Jr,
William E Pohl
1919 57 "The Idea of Philosophy and the Problem of Worldview" Towards the Definition of Philosophy Ted Sadler
Spring, 1919 56 The Idea of Philosophy and the Problem of Worldview (Lecture Course) Towards the Definition of Philosophy Ted Sadler
Summer, 1919 57 "On the Nature of the University and Academic Study" Towards the Definition of Philosophy Ted Sadler
Summer, 1919 57 Phenomenology and Transcendental Philosophy of Value (Lecture Course) Towards the Definition of Philosophy Ted Sadler
1930 31 The Essence of Human Freedom: An Introduction to Philosophy (Lecture Course) Ted Sadler
1931/32 34 The Essence of Truth: On Plato's Cave Allegory and Theaetetus (Lecture Course) Ted Sadler
Summer, 1925 20 History of the Concept of Time (Lecture Course) Theodore Kisiel
1934 13 "Why Do I Stay in the Provinces?" Philosophical and Political Writings Thomas J Sheehan
June, 1945 "Poverty" Heidegger, Translation, and the Task of Thinking, Essays in Honor of Parvis Emad Thomas Kalary,
Frank Schalow
Winter 1925-6 21 Logic: The Question of Truth (Lecture Course) Thomas Sheehan
Oct 22, 1927 "The Idea of Phenomenology, With a Letter to Edmund Husserl" Listening12 (3), 1977, pp 118-119 Thomas Sheehan
1931/32, 40 9 "Plato's Doctrine of Truth" Pathmarks Thomas Sheehan
1962 "Messkirch's Seventh Centennial" Listening 8, 1973, pp 40-54 Thomas Sheehan
1939 9 "On the Essence and Concept of Φύσις in Aristotle's Physics B, I" Pathmarks Thomas Sheehan,
William McNeill
Summer, 1920 59 Phenomenology of Intuition and Expression (Lecture Course) Tracy Colony
Winter, 1935-6 41 "Modern Science, Metaphysics and Mathematics" (What is a Thing excerpt) Basic Writings WB Barton,
Vera Deutsch Jr
Winter, 1935-6 41 What is a Thing WB Barton,
Vera Deutsch Jr
Summer, 1931 33 Aristotle's Metaphysics Θ 1-3: On the Essence and Actuality of Force (Lecture Course) Walter Brogan,
Peter Warnek
1949 9 "The Way Back Into the Ground of Metaphysics" or "Introduction to 'What Is Metaphysics?'" Pathmarks Walter Kaufmann
Summer, 1934 38 Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language (Lecture Course) Wanda Torres Gregory,
Yvonne Unna
1917 "Eventide on Reichenau" Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought William J Richardson
Oct 20, 1966 "A Letter from Heidegger" Heidegger and the Quest for Truth William J Richardson
Jun 9, 1938 5 "The Age of the World Picture" The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays William Lovitt
Off the Beaten Track Julian Young
Measure, 2, (1951) pp269-84 Marjorie Grene
boundary 2, Vol 4, No 2 (Winter, 1976), pp340-55 Marjorie Grene
1943 5 "The Word of Nietzsche: 'God is Dead'" The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays William Lovitt
Off the Beaten Track Kenneth Haynes
Aug, 1954 7 "Science and Reflection" The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays William Lovitt
Nov 18, 1955 7 "The Question Concerning Technology" The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays William Lovitt
Basic Writings William Lovitt
Philosophical and Political Writings William Lovitt
1956? "The Turning" The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays William Lovitt
July, 1924 The Concept of Time (Lecture Course) William McNeill
1929 9 "On the Essence of Ground" Pathmarks William McNeill
1943 9 "Postscript to 'What is Metaphysics?'" Pathmarks William McNeill
1955 9 "On the Question of Being" Pathmarks William McNeill
Question of Being William Kluback
Jean T. Wilde
Philosophical and Political Writings William Kluback
Jean T. Wilde
1942 53 Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister" (Lecture Course) William McNeill,
Julia Davis
1929/30 29/
The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude (Lecture Course) William McNeill,
Nicholas Walker
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